WOMマーケティング協議会では、3 月 16 日に「WOM マーケティングサミット 2011」の開催を予定しておりましたが、3月 11 日におきました東北地方太平洋沖地震による、電力ならびに公共交通機関の状況を鑑み、本イベントを開催延期させていただきたく存じます。なお、開催時期に関しては、後日関係者と協議した上で、ご連絡いたします。イープラスにてチケットをご購入頂いた方には、一旦、全額を払い戻しいたします。
Due to the catastrophic March 11 Tohoku earthquake, WOM Marketing Japan has
decided to postpone “WOM Marketing Summit 2011” which was originally
scheduled on March 16th 2011 at academy hills in Roppongi Hills.
We hope to announce the new schedule of “WOM Marketing Summit 2011″when
decided by board in the close future.
Regarding the ticket fee that the attendees already have paid via e-plus, it
will be refunded at full price (Please see the details below).
All of WOM Japan members extends its deepest condolences to the victims of the
catastrophic March 11 Tohoku earthquake and the resulting tsunami. We have its
heartfelt wish for the speedy reconstruction of the affected areas.
<The fee refund>
The refund will be accepted starting March 16th.
The method of the refund will be differentiated the way you purchased. Please
confirm the chart from below: http://eplus.jp/refund1/
*Familymart has a difficulty to refund by cash at this point due to the
earthquake. On this occasion, the fee will be delivered by mail. Please see
the chart”pattern B.”